::.. Wednesday, June 25, 2003 ..::

Ahhh... finally got my glasses done. Been walking around half-blind for almost two months. When I first looked for my glasses, I thought it was in the library. Then at the library, I thought it was in my room. When I finally wised up, it was exams time. So I took my papers without my glasses. Very handy excuse for my results. And the entire Europe without my glasses. Sigh... anyway, now that it's done, I can't walk straight with it. Been glasses-less for too long already. Anyway, getting better with it. Haha. Not helping me in finding that missing part of my car though.

Speaking of cars, I found the "missing" model shop in Tiong Bahru, hidden snugly at a corner of Level 5, where hardly anyone goes. And I found (drumroll please), Sea Line Series models of 1/700 Scale ships of Admiral Scheer, Deutscheland, Admiral Graf Spee, Bismarck and Tripitz! Ok ok, I figure hardly anyone of you guys know what I'm talking about, but this is BIG. I mean, really big news. And they have the spray cans of all the colors I will need. Oh somebody stop me! I'm falling off my chair already. On top of that, each of the "pocket" battleship models costs only S$19.90. The battleships were, I think, about S$25. Not too bad. Spray cans about S$10 each. Can't wait for the next holidays to get started.

Oh didn't know you guys back home came to my blog. I feel so honored. Anyway, to answer your question Ken Lin, I also thought I would blow the Singaporeans away with my immense brain capacity (aka the single cell). I thought wrong. Haha. Will be back home soon. Maybe during the weekends once term starts. And I'm sick of doing the organizing already! Everyone just make your own way to SS2 Coffee Bean.... or DU Sam's Corner..... or Bandar Utama Coffee Bean..... or just burn Iraqi fuel in my tank cruising... argh. We'll decide when I get back!

Here is your chance to find out how pure you really are. Check it out at The Spark dot com. There is a whole load of other tests that you could take, when you find yourself with a whole load of time as me. And, interestingly enough, I found out that I am more pure than Chi Anh. Haha, trust lil' innocent me. Anyhow, you guys will most probably be in the range of 65% and above, unless you have:

(1) eaten babies;
(2) performed a striptease;
(3) played dress up... in that way;
(4) consumed alcohol in a vehicle.

Basically you get the idea. So, all you pure friends of mine, have no fear and take this test. Of course, it would help if you guys let me know how pure you are too. Hehe. Email me!

Moving on to American Idol 2, Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken both released their singles last week. Rooooben with Flying WIthout Wings and Clay with This is the Night. Strangely enough, Clay's album outsold Ruben's album by more than 100,000 copies. And to think that Ruben beat Clay by around 100,000 votes too. So, Clay shoots to the top of the Billboard Singles Chart with Ruben right up his ass in second spot. Even better than Kelly Clarkson's A Moment LIke This. Needless to say, Val says she has already ordered Clay's single from Amazon.com... or was it she tried, but failed. Hmmm... either way, she's weird. Haha...


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