::.. Saturday, June 14, 2003 ..::

So, it's been a month and a half since the ceasefire in Iraq (1st May). Search for the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) still proves to be in vain. Nothing, not even a sniff, of its existance has been found. Well, so far, they did find a trailer which has been proven to be able to facilitate biological weapons processing. But, the fact still remains that there are no WMD. So far, there have been four theories:

1. They were destroyed before the war began.
2. They are still hidden.
3. They were smuggled out of the country.
4. The UN Inspectors were right: there are no WMD.

So, let's go through the four theories, starting with the first. Basically, it doesn't seem possible for anybody to destroy 30,000 warheads, 500 tonnes of chemical weapons (as claimed by the USA) between the time the USA proclaimed that it would cleanse the world of the evil-doers, aka Saddam, and when the tanks started rolling into Baghdad. As for the second theory, it is quite unlikely that the US is unable to find, at least stumble upon, all those weapons. Even the Delta Force were unsuccessful in finding these elusive warheads. The third theory is the most alarming one. If it is true, it is possible that terrorist groups could have gotten their hands on to them. Who knows, these weapons could have already made their way to American cities. The fourth theory, which I find the most interesting one, is the one that could be the most probable one. I mean, how can you find something that isn't there, which has been the case so far.

So, what happens if no weapons are found? Will Bush still insist that they are there? That looters did their jobs and left no trace of the WMD? That they won't find it unless someone pointed it out to them? The bottomline is that America has entered a new age of pre-emption, where it strikes first because it cannot afford to find out later if terrorists possess nuclear or chemical weapons. So, it all boils down to "Strike First, Ask Later", which pretty much defines the American Cowboy lifestyle. Incidentally, Bush is from Texas, home of the cowboys. That aside, if the United Nations is helpless in preventing America from attacking a sovereign nation without prior Security Council approval, what would happen if, say, some "intelligence" were to show that Iran had biological weapons? Of course, we are talking about US Intelligence, not counting UN Intelligence which America has denounced as unreliable. Back to the question... Bush will last only one term. Heck, he's lucky to be there in the first place, Al Gore would have definitely handled the situation better.

Okay, back to reality, just came back from watching Matrix: Reloaded.

Have to say I am a little bit disappointed with the movie. First of all, I could not understand what the heck the architect or the oracle was trying to say. Secondly, what's with all the sexual innuendos? The dancing in the Temple of Zion, the stirring in the woman's loins, the kissing between that woman and Neo, and to top that all up, NEO'S BUTT!!! Apart from those negative points, I have to say that the action scenes were not too bad. The part with all the Agent Smiths, oops, i mean, Smiths, was a bit exagerated, and a bit draggy. I mean, 10 minutes of fighting off dozens of Smiths? A bit too much. However, the highway scene was wayyyy cool. The best part in the show. Oh yeah, the superman stunt that Neo always pulls is a bit funny, I mean, it's more of a superman-wannabe stunt. Overall, I would give it 3 stars out of 5. Best advice if you haven't watched it: don't go into the cinema expecting too much.


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