::.. Sunday, July 20, 2003 ..::

Ah, the carpenter at work has finally completed his stool. A bit rocky, but it doesn't matter, as long as it serves its purpose. Now, my printer is below my table, leaving LOTS of space for me to work with on the table. But for fifteen bucks, not too sure that it was really that worth it. Sigh, but not gonna fret, as long as it works.

Apart from that, found a website on my KL Calvary Church Royal Rangers. Wow, saw some pictures of some people that I know. And that Derek Lim is now a hotshot there! I remember the last time I saw him, he was something like a 12 year old Pioneer kid. Most of the Commanders are still there, like Victor(?) Lim Siew Hock, Jim Guneratnam, and, errrr... a few more people whose names I have forgotten. Yes, it's been a very long time: 6 years to be exact. I don't think they will even remember me if I go back there. Maybe the older ones will. They should, I mean, I achieved the Advanced Rating three-stripes, and got, I think, 12 or so Merit Awards. Wow, if I have to list them all out, I would most probably forget them all. Lemme see... they were:

1. Bible Award
2. Toolcraft Award
3. Swimming Award
4. Survival Award
5. Chemistry Award
6. Aviation Award
7. Bachelor Award
8. Hobby Award

Well, okay, maybe not 12. But I'm pretty sure I'm missing out on a few. Anyway, any of you guys out there, say hi to the rest for me.

Got to decide on what modules to take next semester. And I'm pissed that they removed CN4223 from the timetable for this semester AND next semester. I've been conned! They listed the module when I was planning my schedules, and now they conveniently removed it. Sigh, how typical. Once again, without consulting us menial students. So, have to think real hard about finding another module. Also, have to think if I should bother about taking 2 CFMs or not, or just leave it to destiny, aka, second lower. I'm afraid I might be too distracted by two CFMs and won't be able to concentrate on my electives. So, what do you guys think?

Oh yeah, removed the NUS SARS forum link since SARS is history.


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