::.. Friday, July 04, 2003 ..::

Alright, time to backtrack a little bit. Managed to squeeze in Charlie's Angels on a Wednesday night when the tickets are only S$6.50. Overall I found the movie good. The plot wasn't too crazy, the action was good, if not exagerated, and the angels were fine..... haha. Action scenes were very, very detail, showing slow-mo and everything, a la Matrix. And there were some stunts that were just plain unrealistic, like sliding under tables, doing backflips and all. There must be some really, really thick cables holding them up, especially thick cables for Drew Barrymore. Yeah, the chubby one... I thought the music was pretty good as well, sort of fitted in nicely with the genre of the movie. So, yet another summer movie settled. First was X-Men2, then Matrix Reloaded, then Finding Nemo, and now Charlie's Angels. Next on the list, is Terminator 3! Was supposed to be Hulk, but since everyone said it sucks, so I'll give it a miss. Can always watch it over the network anyway.

Ahhhh... first day of work. Took the MRT down to Changi Airport and found the small little counter behind a big pillar. Crappy location if you ask me. Anyway, not much business today. Only one person asking how to get to NUS, and another one asking if there were students coming in from PRC. Apart from that, been pretty quiet. Managed to finish reading The Pianist while I was there. A really great book: lots and lots of descriptions. The book included some parts from the diary of Wilm Hosenfeld, the kind-hearted German officer who saved Wladyslav Szpilman. He showed how ashamed he was being a German and witnessing all the horrible things being done on the Jews. It's strange that after more than 50 years after Hitler and the Final Solution, these ethnic cleansings are still going on around the world. For example, in Rwanda and in Iraq (Saddam apparently hated either the Sunnis or the Shiites, forgot which one). We just don't learn, do we? That aside, manning the booth at the airport is an absolute bore. I can't imagine how my other two shifts would be like. I better get myself a laptop and install CM0102 in it. I think 6 hours of that should allow me to complete a season...

Been downloading music recently, quite a lot of really nice songs. Of course, Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard don't count. The really good ones would be Sean Paul Get Busy, Zebrahead Playmate Of The Year, Michelle Branch Are You Happy Now? and quite a lot of others. I also made a new discovery... Atomic Kitten! Yeah, I know they have been around for quite a long time, but then I just realized that they are quite good, although they don't write their own music. Who does anyway theseday, apart from Avril Lavigne, Robbie Williams and Michelle Branch? So, yeah Atomic Kitten kinda rocks these days. And they sure are fine!! Told you Brits rock!

My damn room is being attacked by insects! First a cockroach, then a bug, then those ants that fly. Boy, I was just typing when that darn ant just "attacked" me. Can't wait till I move out of here.


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