::.. Thursday, July 31, 2003 ..::

Just found out that there is more to a PS2 than just GT3 and FIFA. It is called Beach Volleyball! I know it sounds dumb, but it sure is fun! Gonna keep us occupied for a few more days. Best thing is, we even had to go through tutorials to learn the controls. Yeah, it was that tough.

Will be going to watch Forbidden City when it opens. Not sure when, but will be one of those days. Wonder if Valerie will be able to get free tickets or not. Hehehe....

Managed to catch "Blue Lagoon" on television. Boy, the words sure are corny. And amazingly, the small kid was able to build a "resort" on the beach. The whole picture of the beach reminded me of beach resorts with its crystal clear water. How fake. Small kid with no tools or expertise building these stuff.

Fingers are really itchy to get myself a PDA. Shall consider the costs. I'm broke.


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