::.. Sunday, July 13, 2003 ..::

:: Lazy days are back ::

Today I woke up with the same old feeling that it was already in the afternoon, and sure enough, it was 1PM. Ahhhh, what a good feeling. 10 hours of sleep really refreshes your body and mind.

And what a bumming day. Didn't do nothing at all. Only read some papers, watched some TV, went to Mark's place to get my glasses which I left in his car the night before. And type this. Well, all's not that boring. Gonna watch Tears of the Sun later at the club, followed by mamak, as usual, with the "other" gang, namely, Wei Liang, Tze Keat, Alex, Ken Lin, Su Yee, Chew Yen (who is back), and I dunno who else. Oh yeah, an opportunity to tick off Yin Yin for coming back and not informing us.

Speaking of ticking off, just read about the RJC student being disciplined for video-ing his teacher "screwing" a student with his PDA and posting it on the net. Gosh, I don't think this is wrong. On one hand, you are disciplining a student for going against a teacher who is unproffesional and going overboard, and on the other hand, you are encouraging students to be more vocal and be more interactive and speaking your mind. Ironic isn't it? Reminds me of the PCK SARS "rap" song. Before the song, the slot was used by a "Use Standard English" campaign ad, and now it is the rap. Some say leh, some say lah... Sigh, defeats the whole purpose. What a joke.

And I found out that Hai Jie doesn't read newspapers, both paper and online. Duh... it's MSN and ICQ for him only. Haha. Also, a new online journal for him, check it out on the left.

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