::.. Tuesday, July 22, 2003 ..::

This morning, I woke up especially early (10AM) to go to UCC to catch David Goh at his commencement. Saw Chun Wei and Adrian Tan too, and (finally) Mike. All looking good in their Harry Potter gowns. Then I had to rush off to meet my FYP Supervisor Dr Teo Kie Leong.

He seems like a pretty friendly guy, unlike those really serious professors that I have encountered before. First thing he asked me was whether I was majoring in Microelectronics. Yeah... most of my modules are from there. Then, came the expected question: What's your CAP? Sigh... so I had to tell him. Bummer. But then again, from the list of students taking FYP under him that I saw on his table, there was only one guy with 4.45, another girl with 3.7, and another guy with 3.48. So I think I'm average. Then he was asking if I could pull my CAP to second upper. Well, I have been asking myself that questions for a long, long time. So, I told him that i needed all A's from now on. "Should be easy-wat" was his answer. Yeah, easy for a professor. Haha. So, discussion lasted for about 20 minutes. Found out that I have him, another supervisor from DSI, and a PhD research engineer who will be in the team. Wow, I better buck up. And I think my first 2 months or so will be quite free, because according to him, the equipment that we are supposed to build might be coming in late. Hope it won't be too late such that I will have little time to write my report.

My eye is red. Sigh.


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