::.. Friday, August 29, 2003 ..::

Today, Ah Joo was a bit boh steady with me. Why? Hear me out.

Remember my EE3204 Computer Communications Network module I took last year? Remember the project which I almost died working on? Well, one of his friends happens to be taking it this semester (Let's call this guy "Ah Meng" for simplicity sake). So, Ah Meng asks Ah Joo for the code of the project from someone who did it before. So, of course he came looking for me, asking me for the entire programme.

Of course, I balked when he asked me for the whole programme. Naturally I refused, due to a few reasons. Reason one being that the backbone of the programme was kindly given to me by Sze Lee. And I still remember clearly when I gave it to Oliver, boy he sure was pissed! So, of course I don't want to piss him off anymore now, do I? Haha. Also, besides that, I remember clearly that I spent 2 whole weeks working on the backbone that Sze Lee gave me. This 2 weeks ate into my study time before the exam, and boy did that have an impact on my exam. So, a lot of work was put into this programme of mine (legally, Sze Lee, its mine now, since I modified it, hehe).

And when somebody comes and asks for it, so early in the semester, what other reply can I give apart from a firm "no"? I mean, this is so early in the semester, why can't he go and figure it out himself. If he needs some help, I will gladly offer some. Also, another point I forgot to mention is, I don't even know who this fella is. If it was Ah Joo, then yeah, maybe I won't mind giving it to him, and helping him out along the way. But Ah Meng just asks like that... nah, don't think so. Yeah, okay, a bit selfish, but heck... can't be Mr Niceguy all the time.

Anyway, came to a compromise. I truncated the codes, and just gave him the connection and sending packets part of the code. Sze Lee, hope you don't mind. Been a year already. Hehe. At least it isn't the whole code. He has one whole semester to work on it. I had two weeks. Should be a breeze for him.

That apart, Ah Joo was really, REALLY surprised that I refused to give him the entire code. I'm a bad, bad boy...

But then, well, maybe I'll change my mind and give him the entire code one of these days... we'll see...


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