::.. Sunday, October 19, 2003 ..::

i've got a HUGE pimple staring at me. It's been a while since I have seen such a big momma.

Weekend sure passed by fast. And lots of assignments, presentations and quiz stacking up. All will be done by the end of the month. Phew, what a rush.

EE4412 has another online tutorial.... again! Aren't they done with killing me with online tutorials? However, this time, I fared a bit better. Completed the first question with the first attempt. Gee, sometimes I impress even myself. And I am getting quite fed up with Starhub. They screwed up with the delivery again. Instead of delivering the phone to me, it went to PWC at 9PM, looking for YC. Now, I have to reschedule and wait... again! It's been three weeks since I confirmed with them, and I'm still waiting. How crappy can it get? Meanwhile, my Nokia 5110 has a new lease of life, for a few more days. Still holding on strong.

Missed survivor this week because I was busy studying. Sigh. But I don't feel too bad. Not as bad as how I miss Gundam. Sniff...


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