::.. Thursday, November 20, 2003 ..::

Today was a day solely dedicated to EE4412. The technology of silicon... not boobs, but silicon transistors. Although if I do plan to have a career change and venture into the boob business, I just might stand a chance. Till then, it's transistors and other boring stuff.

EE4412 in the morning, EE4412 in the afternoon, and EE4412 at night. Been quite productive in the library, reading through all my notes, trying to understand everything, and doing tutorials while trying not to leave too many blank spaces. At night, it was discussion time with the rest, although it took an hour longer than planned. Still, learnt quite a lot of stuff. One more day to go, and I can start planning about implanting boobs, oops, I mean donor and acceptor atoms.

Boy, if I'm all into this implants (!) thing now, wait till I prepare for my Silicon Processing Technology paper next week. One whole week full of fun. Weeee....

Hmmm... I seem to have lost my body odour. Hooray.


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