::.. Friday, March 12, 2004 ..::

Pardon my relatively long absence. Been busy with the 2nd final week of FYP thesis submission. Anyone out there drooling in anticipation for what's happening in my life? Anyone....?

Why can't the Malaysian or Singapore parliament be as happening as this?

Apart from that, band jam is happening tonight. DND will be tomorrow, and still no shoes. But will be borrowing from Oliver. Since my table is almost a strictly no-drinking table, those drinking people will be temporary residents of other tables with full flow of alcohol. Hope they drink themselves silly so that they will be in the right mood for our DND skit.

David found a website which has exactly the same template as my old one! Great! Emailed the chap, and got a reply from him. Just going to wait for him to send me the code.

And it's back to work for me now.


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