::.. Friday, March 05, 2004 ..::

With DND coming up soon, quite a lot of final year meetings are being organized. Especially with me being sabo-ed to be in the dance and the skit. Sigh. But, I'm pushing for one of these to be scrapped. Most of us will be involved in both, and a bit unfair to have us busy all night. I predict we will hardly be at our table at all. So, it's either one or the other is scrapped, or we just do one, and get other people to take our places in the other performance. Sigh, why can't I have a peaceful DND! But I don't think I can complain, considering Lord Long is going to be Mr International Man of Mystery. Haha.

Meetings have been held at the upper lounge. And Shaun said that the first years in the library studying were unable to study due to the noise caused by us. And apparently they were afraid to come out to complain about the noise level, since we were a bunch of boisterous final years.

Man, at times like this, it feels good to be a final year resident.


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