::.. Sunday, April 04, 2004 ..::

With all the football action going on this weekend, I forgot to mention some other stuff that I did. Yes, there is more to life than football. So here is a recap:

Friday evening, after tea, Oli, Larry, Dave and I went over to Queensway to get a birthday present for Eric. We had already decided to get a Manure jersey. The black away jersey. It is actually quite nice, but like any other jersey, it gets hot pretty fast. So, I made myself useful by being the model to make sure that the size we got would be right. Got a size L, only to find out it was too big for Eric. I rest my case.

And on Saturday, I celebrated my last ever tutorial in NUS. It was an end of an era. After 4 years of going for tutorial classes, that was the last of them. And it was interesting because Prem decided to join us this time. And he also decided to steal the limelight from the other dude I mentioned in a previous post. The only difference is that Prem brought up important points, while the other dude only made other people feel stupid. Normally, it is these people who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. After tutorial, I made a mistake that I lived to regret: going for a talk for international students. Well, alright, I did learn some new stuff and I also did clear up some doubts. However, it was definitely not worth 3 hours! And out of the 3 hours, 1 1/2 hours was spent sleeping. To kick things off, we had Prof Tan Teck Koon, the head of OSA, to give us an inspirational farewell note. "Always be humble, but remember that you are graduates, and the NUS degree has very high value", "At interviews, don't be arrogant, but don't be too quiet as well". Full of contradictions. Some other stuff I learnt, which may be quite useful to readers out there: you need to obtain permission from MOE to study post-graduate programmes overseas. If it is not under scholarship, then you gotta pay them a deposit as well. If an ad says that they only want Singapore PRs or citizens, do not apply. That just about cancels out half of our already depleted number of choices. And, perhaps the most important point, there is almost no way of trying to squirm ourselves out of the tuition grant bond. Yes, they said if after one year, you can't find a job, and you have proof that you applied for positions and got rejected, you MIGHT get a chance to get the bond cancelled. But, very low odds I think. More likely they will tell you "Tough luck, try again".

Yes, and that is the end of my exciting weekend. The entire Sunday spent studying law, which I am about to stop soon. Enough law for one day. Enough Metal Slug 4 also...

Oh yes, I forgot to bitch about my law class. This semester, we have an extra 11 hours of lectures. Yes, that is right, meaning, four sessions of 12pm-4pm Saturday afternoon lectures, and another 3 hour lecture this coming Tuesday. First test is on Saturday, final exams is next Monday, and we are still having classes on Tuesday. What a lousy lecturer! If I had not filled up the module feedback form, I would have given a lot of negative points to my lecturer. And I remember he said in one of the earlier lectures "Don't worry... I have total control over time. I have been lecturing for 15 years. I am a veteran". A true lawyer indeed.


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