::.. Wednesday, June 16, 2004 ..::

Watched Serendipity today after watching the first 10 minutes a few years ago on the network. Didn't watch the rest of the movie that time because of some codec problems. However, watched the DVD today with no problems whatsoever. And it was a nice movie. Not one which requires a lot of thinking, which I still like, but one that I could sit back and relax. And Kate Beskindale has got it going on!

Had dinner at the club today since it's my father's 60th birthday. So he's retired today from the university after 32 years there, I think. Should be around that number of years, or might be a year or two more. That sure is a long time. So now, he's going to be at a local college doing some administration and less stressful work. Once my sister finishes her studies, I guess he will really retire. Wonder what he'll do then, he doesn't really have much hobbies. Maybe he'll get himself a karaoke set and sing his 1950s and 1960s oldies... or maybe he can start clearing up his office at home, which is a real mess.

Will be going back at the end of the month, stick around in Singapore until my commencement and follow my parents back to KL on Sunday itself. What should I do till then...


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