::.. Sunday, August 15, 2004 ..::

Gonna be a short one, because you'll never know when the connection will suddenly be cut. Worse still, windows update is downloading data now, which is slowing my connection to a crawl.

Went to take my graduation studio photo today. Was at the same studio that my mum took... almost 30 years ago. Haha. And it is the same photographer. Old guy, but experienced. And I forgot to bring the scroll to the studio, so I had to use their red scroll. The blood-red colour is a bit striking, but it's better than nothing. After taking the photos, I also forgot to bring back my gown hanger. Sigh. Gotta go grab it before I go back to Singapore tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I'm going back to Singapore tomorrow.

Just read an email that my friend sent to me from another guy who went to OBS before. I have a lot more stuff to get such as insect repellent, mosquito coils, batteries, gloves, etc. Although I'm quie nervous and scared of it, I'm actually looking forward to it at the same time. Maybe I won't be so enthusiastic by the end of the first week there. Haha. Also wondering whether I should bring my handphone there with my digi prepaid SIM card. First problem is that the sim card will have to be reloaded while I am there. Second is I am afraid that MONKEYS will actually steal my handphone from the dorms. Yes, they know how to open latches, open doors, and search through bags. They are quite smart.


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