::.. Saturday, August 07, 2004 ..::

Went downtown to KL to get my bus ticket back to Singapore. So it'll be next Sunday. Decided check out Petaling Street in the meantime. Bought F 9/11 and The Terminal DVDs from there. Not real of course. But who cares anyway. The whole time I was there I was on the lookout for snatch thieves and the sort of crooks that you will find around town. Even when my I got an sms, I was quite hestitant to take out my phone. I think I should downgrade to a 3310 when I'm back in KL. My whole life I have been taught to be on my toes for 1) kidnappers when I was a kid; 2) pickpockets when I'm in KL or JB; 3) roadbullies when I'm driving alone after going out with friends; 4) gangs/robbers/thugs when I'm in JB. Note: All in Malaysia. Oh, how 6 years in Singapore has changed me. In Singapore, everyone is flashing money and handphones and PDAs that I just fade into the background, like an insignificant target. But now that I'm back in Malaysia, it's back to normal again.

Oh my mum is just not meant to use a computer. I have taught her numerous times how to draw diagrams on MS Word, but she just doesn't get it. I have taught her many, many times how to change the balance to all left so that she can listen to her korean shows in mandarin, but she always forgets. She doesn't know how to get on to the internet. I have set up an email address for her, taught her how to use it, even got her an icq account. But all redundant now. She is just not meant for computers. Somebody knows where to get a typewriter?

Family friends just came up from Singapore for the weekend. Means good food for the weekend while we entertain them. Will be having seafood at Subang near the old airport. Surprisingly, when we used to go there when I was a kid, it seemed like a really long journey there. Now, it feels like it's just around the corner. Hope I get to drive the Waja tomorrow. Weee.... automatic car. Easy peasy.


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