::.. Saturday, November 20, 2004 ..::

Lessons have begun for ATPL, and boy what a difference it is from Tech lessons. Before, we used to have "free" periods to listen to music, and sleep... But now, every period is a solid one hour of digesting information and doing exercises. Like what the seniors said before, the coming 3 months will be really tough. So lots of sacrifices to be made. Meaning, lots of studying to be done. Sigh.

By the way, The Sims 2 is a really great game. Played the original game back in 2001 during my first year and I must say the new version is much better. Got lots of new options to do. And now, the Sims actually grow old and die. So, the first mission for my sim is to get married and have a kid. One kid is enough trouble. My Sim is now a smuggler, bringing in lots of money. The game sure is realistic...

Oh yeah, my last post was quite bad for my housemates. So, I want to state a point: my housemates are the greatest! Yup, they sure are. Although they are messy (more like only 1 actually), I can't find any other qualms about them. So, ignore my earlier post about them.

Have not done any editing on my blog recently, unlike when I was back in uni where I more or less changed the template every week. And now I also realize why people who have started working don't blog as much as they did during school times. We just don't have the time to say anything. Also, we don't really want to say stuff regarding work, in case we get sued until "our pants drop off".

That's all for now. Gotta get back to my meteorology studies.


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