::.. Sunday, April 10, 2005 ..::

So like I said much earlier on, we were going to have another round of initiation here in JDK. And so we had, on Friday night. As usual, many drinks to go around, and yeah thats about it. Drink, drink and drink. And answer some questions by the seniors.

Saturday morning was fun, my friends and I took a trip over to Scarborough Beach over to the north. The beach was very clean and nice, and the water was really blue. Not only was it blue, it was freezing. So was the air. There were lots of people there, but who cares about the guys. The babes were there to sunbathe, and we were there to check them out. Yummy.

Other than that, not much flying recently. My primary instructor is on leave, and my secondary instructor is getting married. So that makes it 2 hours of flying in 3 weeks. What a pathetic statistic. To fill my time, I've been watching movies, and playing Quake3 with the other guys. I have almost forgotten how fun LAN games were.


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