::.. Thursday, July 28, 2005 ..::

Although many of the guys are quite intimidated by my instructor, I find him very approachable and friendly. Yesterday, I chanced upon him in the planners room, and he asked how I was. Was rather surprised because that was the first time he asked me that. No wonder everyone calls me his golden boy. Hah.

He can also be rather witty at times. I have forgotten quite a number of instances, but today, he just showed that side of him again. We were tracking to Mandurah, and he tuned to the Mandurah radio station. To identify it, instead of listening to the Morse Code, we listen to the music since it is a radio station (duh). When the music came on, he said "Hey, I know this song" and started singing along. It was an old song, so don't ask me what song it was. But I did recognize it. Must be from one of my dad's old casette tapes that we listened EVERYTIME we sat in his car. But that's another story. Anyway, after singing for a few seconds, he abruptly stopped singing and switched off the ADF button and remarked "I hate that song". He then proceeded with the rest of the procedures.

Okay, I am pretty easily amused.


Blogger ana said...

How come u seem to have a natural tendency to be a teacher's / instructor's pet ah? =p

1:15 pm  

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