::.. Monday, September 12, 2005 ..::

And yet another one bites the dust. That makes three.

Had a nice dinner on Saturday with the guys, and my sister's friend who came over to Perth from Melbourne. Apparently she just packed up one day and flew over to Perth to stay at her friend's place, leaving her housemates, including my sister, all shocked. So cool. And, of course, Edwin's friend was with us for dinner too, because she will be going back to KL very soon. After dinner, we decided to lounge at a nice, cozy joint with drinks. Apparently, the restaurant rules regarding alcohol sales is quite interesting here. We can't buy any alcohol drinks unless we have the intention to buy a substantial meal. Well, we did have an intention to buy a substantial meal, except that later on, we decided against it. Well, we DID intend to...

Bought a car freshener for our car. Was actually thinking of getting floor mats for it, but will consult the co-owner first. The lights for inside the car looked good too, and so was the steering wheel cover. Had an eye on the exhaust muffler too.


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