::.. Sunday, January 15, 2006 ..::

Somewhere along my stay here, I became the number one target for people to express their complaints and grouses. Some of them are even about things that are not under my control. And when some are, I try to help out.

For example, a complaint came in from two individuals regarding another guy. After some investigation, it was found that the suspect was guilty of the crime. And the two guys were quite adamant in getting something done. So, I forwarded their issues over to the powers-that-be. Sure enough, the suspect was given a sounding.

And now, I am the bad guy.

I am not a goddamn head prefect. In actual fact, I was never a prefect in school. Okay, I lasted half a day as a trial-prefect back in primary school. And I was nominated by my form teacher by the mere fact that "there are no other guys of prefect-calibre in this class anyway". And the hand that delivered smited me as well. So, I never really liked prefects. Only some of them were cool. The rest just had a mean power trip.

So, guys. All complaints go to the new guy.

I have retired, partially.


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