::.. Saturday, July 22, 2006 ..::

Did a whole lot of traveling in a futile attempt to get some things done before I head up north next week. But out of the three things I wanted to accomplish, I could only get one of them done. One and a half, there is another task that I need to do later today. And I believe I spent about 4 hours of the day being ferried around in a bus or a train. Mentally draining.

Time to get my checks in tip top condition.

And just a point to note, some forms of amusement when traveling on public transportation:

1. Someone sitting with another person on the same row of seats in the bus runs over to an empty row of seats when people alight at a bus stop, thinking that he/she has an empty row for himself. Then, some innocent person comes on and sits next to this person. Back to square one.

2. In the MRT, this person rushes in front of everyone to get into the train, quickly looks left and right thinking he managed to beat everyone to the last empty seat. Too bad that the last empty seat was taken at the previous stop. Stand with the other people you shoved.

Without any music to entertain me, I HAVE to get something to keep me occupied right?


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