::.. Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ..::

It's been a long absence, and I blame it on Civilization 4. Guys, get it. It rocks.

Had a midnight session on Saturday morning, took a 4 hour nap, then headed to Bishan to play some table tennis with the significant other. Witnessed some out-of-this-world table tennis playing by kids who are just able to peek above the table. I think they will thrash me if I were to take them on.

That night, GNeo, the significant other and I decided to pay a visit to Zouk. Been a while since I've been there so not a bad time to check it out again. Looks the same. Same 'ol, same 'ol.

Also, some famous quotes from Saturday:

Quote 1:
TheGirl: I have an ulcer, I want to get watermelon.
Me: Can I call you watermelon?
TheGirl: Er, why?
Me: Because you are wo de mei ren.

Quote 2:
TheGirl: Check my bag again? They think I am a terrorist or what?
Me: You really want to know why?
TheGirl: Why?
Me: Because you are da bomb.

There IS hope!


Blogger Ris said...

WAH!! I didn't know Daniel is so full of BS!! :O !!!!!

4:54 am  

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