::.. Saturday, September 29, 2007 ..::

I just got back from watching The Lion King. I managed to get the second last ticket in the entire theater last night. It wasn't the one right in the middle that I wanted. Instead, it was the one at the back next to the door costing 175 rands, which is about SGD40. At first I thought they would have been sucky seats but it turned out to be a good one. Definitely won't be able to get a seat like that for SGD40 in the Esplanade.

Conclusion is that the show was superb.

Dinner later with both captains for the first time. Hopefully they will be in.

My laptop is getting very cranky. I hope it lasts the rest of my flight.

::.. Friday, September 28, 2007 ..::

First, appologies for disappearing all of a sudden. Actually, I was called up one day and was told that I would be away for 15 days, starting the day after that. So, as usual, the frantic packing started. As well as the laundry which had to be dry by the next day.

I did not have the time to say anything until now from inside the nice, cozy room in Johannesburg. This is my first time here and I actually was planning to go to the safari which is a few hours out of the city. However, it was pouring when I arrived this morning and it still is now. Forecasts say rain, rain, and more rain for the next few days. So, scratch that plan. There isn't anything much around the hotel. Oh, except for a casino. I went to take a look at the place just now after dinner. Looks like any other casino. The play The Lion King is currently being played at the theater nearby too. I feel like catching it on Saturday. The tickets are relatively cheap compared to how much they would cost in Singapore. First class seats are equivalent to 100 Singapore dollars. For that amount in Singapore, the best you can expect would be at the top where, as someone once put it, you see people as thin and tall only.

Oh yes, my comp is crashing.

Mac or PC?

::.. Wednesday, September 19, 2007 ..::

A colleague of mine who travels to Perth often because of HisGirl mentioned that he was going to pay the college a visit soon. When he said that, I almost asked him to say hi to....

Yeah that's the problem. I can't seem to find a name to put into the gap. After I left the college, a host of other instructors left. My two main instructors were among them. One of them actually left the same day that I did. The other left a few months ago only. They seem to be doing well. I am still in contact with one of them, who is actually younger than I am. He is flying further up north in WA together with a few other guys who were instructors in the college too. The other guy is flying for the regional arm of Qantas. He was initially supposed to come up to Singapore but he found it impossible to live in Singapore on a cadet's pay with a family of two kids and another on the way. It must have been difficult for him to abandon his dreams at that time. But looks like things have a strange way of working out.

If I do go back to Perth on a flight, maybe I'll go back there. Just to see how things have changed.

I bougth a Phoenix card from the grocery shop this morning to call home. While talking on the phone a while ago, I noticed that the picture on the card has changed. There used to have a rather happy guy with black hair on it. Now, the guy has blonde hair. Maybe he bleached his hair.

Went back to the simulator yesterday. Was very rusty. Hopefully things will iron out for the big sim day next Friday.

Mum has retired from work. She will be 56 years old tomorrow.

Happy birthday and happy retirement!

::.. Sunday, September 09, 2007 ..::

Back in Singapore.

On Thursday, I brought TheGirl to Clarke Quay to have dinner. It's been a while since we've eaten at some nice place so I thought to treat ourselves to something nice. So after walking around with empty stomaches, we decided to eat at the first place that looked like serving some decent food, which was RenThai. As are all things in Clarke Quay, the food was overpriced. But the atmosphere was pretty alright. The last time I was in Clarke Quay was during TheGirl's birthday back in 2006 where we had seafood at Jumbo. Then before that, it was during the New Year of 2005 where some other guys, TheGirl and I counted down at Hooters. Counted down to the New Year, not counting down the hooters.

Today, I had a reunion with the rest of my JC classmates. Almost everyone was there. Two were working, one was in Malaysia, one was uncontactable, one is in Manchester, another in Michigan, another in China and I heard that one other guy is recovering from some illness. So, the remaining of us spent a few good hours at one of the girl's place catching up on old times. Everyone pretty much looked the same. Two are married. One is getting married. The rest are still swinging singles. I read on a blog where the writer and her friends met up after a long time and drove over to a friend's place to meet up. The writer remarked that times have changed because they used to take a bus or walk together back during her times in JC. Well, it seems that times have not changed for my class. We met at AMK Hub and took the bus to our friend's place. Only one guy has got a car and that is because he is a property agent. Times sure haven't changed for us.

After that, I rushed off to Vivocity to catch Ratatouille. I was supposed to meet TheGirl at 7PM so I left the party at 6PM. It took one hour to get to Vivocity. From Tanah Merah, it takes maximum 45 minutes. And I thought AMK was more central than Tanah Merah. Maybe it was just the waiting time.

Off to bed.

::.. Tuesday, September 04, 2007 ..::

Where was I?

Doesn't matter. Left Singapore last Sunday, and will be reaching back home after 10 days. A bit longer than expected due to some unforseen changes.

So, in total, I have spent 6 full days in Dubai. If it weren't too hot, I would have gone to the Burj al-Arab or maybe dune bashing. Too bad I can only last a maximum of 5 minutes under the direct sunlight. Do not believe the news when they say the temperature is only oh-39 degrees Celcius or something. It is definitely hotter than that.

Had the chance to visit Brussels this time. And I had company as well, two of my coursemates were there too. They arrived after me and left before me. Like I said, I am on a paid holiday. Now that I am pretty familiar with Brussels, the next time I have some time there, I may take a train to one of the towns outside the city. Or maybe a train to Paris. Sounds like fun.

Bought a new Samsonite suitcase to replace the old softcover one I had which was dying. And on the first trip out with this new suitcase, it just had to be bashed by the handlers. Well, I guess they didn't like the fact that it looked so new. It looks pretty seasoned now.

It is going to be ten years after leaving JC. And our class is having a mini reunion at one of our classmate's place. It should be nice to meet up with all the guys, some of whom I have not met since leaving the school.

Meanwhile, mum is retiring soon. So, mum and dad are going to visit East Europe as a retirement treat. Been giving them some tips on how to handle the east.

Couple more hours till I leave Dubai. Which is, based on number of days I have been to lately, my second home. If I am here anymore, I suspect I may have to pay taxes here. Sadly, KL is way down my "home" list. Way down.

I should go home once in a while...