::.. Sunday, July 23, 2006 ..::

I am leaving on Tuesday morning and I have not settled the most important issue before I leave: my passport.

First thing tomorrow morning, I promise.

Was at TB on Saturday night when I finally got some live entertainment by two bickering middle-aged women. Started with bickering but almost erupted into a full-fledged catfight. Pity that security intervened.

This pressure cooker island is finally blowing its top.

::.. Saturday, July 22, 2006 ..::

Did a whole lot of traveling in a futile attempt to get some things done before I head up north next week. But out of the three things I wanted to accomplish, I could only get one of them done. One and a half, there is another task that I need to do later today. And I believe I spent about 4 hours of the day being ferried around in a bus or a train. Mentally draining.

Time to get my checks in tip top condition.

And just a point to note, some forms of amusement when traveling on public transportation:

1. Someone sitting with another person on the same row of seats in the bus runs over to an empty row of seats when people alight at a bus stop, thinking that he/she has an empty row for himself. Then, some innocent person comes on and sits next to this person. Back to square one.

2. In the MRT, this person rushes in front of everyone to get into the train, quickly looks left and right thinking he managed to beat everyone to the last empty seat. Too bad that the last empty seat was taken at the previous stop. Stand with the other people you shoved.

Without any music to entertain me, I HAVE to get something to keep me occupied right?

::.. Tuesday, July 18, 2006 ..::

From today onwards, TwoDoorsUp shall now be known as OppositeDoor.

Yesterday, OppositeDoor and I went over to City Hall to get our shoe rack, only to find out that it is out of stock. Okay, maybe I will check out some other shops nearer our place. No point going all the way to town just to find there is nothing there.

During the long walk from the MRT station to Suntec, we came across a group of primary school children. Probably a school trip to the underground shopping mall. Then, I remarked that one of the surprises that I found out when I came to Singapore was that their school trips were always to places such as Australia, UK, France or Germany. If it is not one of the above, it will be some even more exotic place. Maybe I am generalizing this. I am sure some other schools have more down-to-earth school trips. The schools that organize overseas trips are probably the rich independent schools. But nonetheless, trips like these were unheard of back in Malaysia. I remember the best school trip I ever had was the trip to the Planetarium.

I guess I am just getting old.

::.. Sunday, July 16, 2006 ..::

Went to church today. It's a miracle!

TwoDoorsUp decided to throw a party over at our place at about 2AM this morning. Three girls and two guys. Not that bad for him.

So, this week will be quite a slack one. Will be busy running errands while I have the time actually. Got some things to do before I head up north. Haven't met up with the ol' chaps from hall since I got back from Brisbane. I should arrange something sometime this week. Who is game?

And were my eyes playing tricks on me when I saw Jack Bauer in Episode One of 24 Season 5 on Channel 5 yesterday evening? Why on earth is it on such an ungodly hour? Such injustice for such a great movie. Reminds me of the crazy hour that they screened The Gilmore Girls (don't laugh) a few years back.

Maybe they should bring Channel i back. They need some competition.

::.. Thursday, July 13, 2006 ..::

Course is ending tomorrow. The studying part at least. After this, the real fun will finally begin. And it begins back in KL.

Will be heading up to KL with another 3 of my colleagues in two weeks. The wait is really short compared to what other guys had to put up with. Not bad actually, daily allowances of RM ###, transport to and fro Changi (excellent, that solves the problem about me being lazy to get a bus ticket) and I get to take care of my expiring passport. Apart from the lesson proper, I am to expect to be taught on the usual things that people do during long stopovers. So exciting. I am finally going to explore a different side of my own hometown.

::.. Tuesday, July 11, 2006 ..::

World Cup is over. What else to look forward to now?

Visited the two aeroplanes this afternoon. They sure are huge. I can't imagine little me at the flight deck of one of these monsters. Nonetheless, the powers-that-be think I can do it, so that is what is important.

Course is ending soon. Should be taking a break to go home.

Feeling a bit lazy to go through the hassle of getting a ticket though.

::.. Sunday, July 09, 2006 ..::

Contrary to popular belief, this blog is has not been abandoned. Yet.

The parents came down over the weekend to check out on their only son. The condition of the flat passed their test. Good thing I cleaned it up before they arrived. It would have never passed on any other day.

With the parents over I decided to grab some last minute clothing from the GSS. The cousin, who came down with the Uncle and Aunt, did some major shopping as well. Bought a t-shirt from FCUK (typed it wrongly the first time, think I use it too often) which cost 50 bucks. First thought would be that it is a reasonably priced t-shirt, but when you multiply it to the ringgit equivalent, that is my secondary school allowance for 2 months. Or even more, if you consider lower secondary. He also got himself two pairs of shoes that looked quite good actually.

When I look at how he spends money, I can't help but wonder if I was like that before. I think I was. I mean, I spent 500 bucks without blinking on the LCD monitor, 660 bucks on my ticket to Paris and 1000 bucks on my digital camera with the extras. And that was before I started to earn my own money. I guess it is true that you are more reluctant to spend money that you earned.

He should move down to Singapore soon and live on his own.

One more week of ground studies before I start my enforced break.